Literature Girl

home reading list reviews portfolio journal stream links about


Hello; welcome to my personal website.

This site serves as an outlet for any thoughts and views I feel are significant enough to share, which primarily happen to be about literature. I also share some of my art and media reviews here, as well as quotes and other things I find beauty and meaning in.

I hope you can find some meaning in something here, too.

Last updated: 2024/08/30 (YYYY/MM/DD)
  • 2024/08/30: Added a quote to the stream
  • 2024/08/22: Added an article on minimally processed foods
  • 2024/07/06: Added some quotes to the stream
  • 2024/07/02: Added some poetry to the stream; I'm not dead!
  • 2024/05/11: Added an article on fasting and added some more links
  • 2024/04/26: Added quotes and a psalm to the stream; finally added some more links
  • 2024/04/24: Added an article on running a book club
  • 2024/04/18: Added an article on carnivorous diets and rare meat
  • 2024/04/17: Changed wording on some pages
  • 2024/04/16: Modified some stuff on the links page and removed a dead link; updated my reading list; changed wording on some pages
  • 2024/04/15: Added music albums and quotes to the stream and reviews
  • 2024/04/05: Removed goblin dog; his face was frightening me
  • 2024/03/25: Added two drawings to the portfolio
  • 2024/03/12: Updated about
  • 2024/02/27: Added quotes and a hymn to the stream
  • 2024/02/25: Some (maybe shoddy) CSS changes; I like centred things. I also added several quotes to the stream
  • 2024/02/23: Photography page is GONE! Also, so is the LOG PAGE (much to capstasher's dismay), because nobody needs to know about my eight-year-old monitor dying. Except for capstasher, apparently. I want to simplify my site as much as possible.
  • 2024/02/21: I'm alive! Updated my entry on natural alternatives; added an entry on natural brands I recommend; added an entry on how I am using my art for God; updated my reading list; updated my about page; added to the links page
  • 2024/01/16: Updated my reading list
  • 2024/01/05: Added a drawing of Odin to portfolio; updated my reading list
  • 2024/01/03: Added some stuff to the photography page (now gone)
  • 2023/12/28: Added a quote to stream
  • 2023/12/27: Added post to the journal on natural alternatives; added to the links page
  • 2023/12/21: Added a drawing of Brody to portfolio
  • 2023/12/13: Finally created a button and added a favicon; added a links page; added a few C.S. Lewis reviews; added pixel graphics for fun
  • 2023/12/12: The eternal struggle for a nice font continues; modified the 'projects' page and renamed it portfolio, then added a grid for displaying images instead of what it was before (id est, clunky and tedious); added to the reviews page
  • 2023/12/11: Changed default font to Verdana because I finally realised how awful MS Gothic looks on Windows when viewing the website from a school computer
  • 2023/10/18: Finally added some proper reviews to the reviews page; added some entries to the reading list
  • 2023/10/11: Modified the 'about' page; categorised the reading list; reversed order of the stream; added post to the journal on Christian veiling
  • 2023/07/18: Altered a lot of writing; I was unsatisfied
  • 2023/06/20: Removed some text; I talk too much
  • 2023/04/24: General layout updates
  • 2023/04/07: Added to the stream
  • 2023/03/20: Separated the journal into sections; added to the stream
  • 2023/03/07: Added to the stream; added a post to the journal on glorifying God
  • 2023/02/27: Added the projects page and shared some of my drawings; added the stream page
  • 2023/02/26: Updated pages such as reading list and reviews; changed the default font to MS Gothic; added a post to the journal on perceptions of beauty
  • 2023/02/25: Created the website and fleshed out a few pages, such as about and the index