I often find myself with a lot to say on various topics, but no one to direct my thoughts towards. So, here they are, where they may be explored (or not explored) at the user's discretion and leisure.
You can click on the arrows to see a brief description of each article.
Standard Entries
Dumbing Us Down
An old post from 2021 about the detriments of modern education systems, inspired by the musings of John Taylor Gatto, that I have essentially included as a test and space filler — although I do still value the points made within it.
A Decision Not to Buy Physical Books
Yet another old post, this time from 2022, about the reasoning behind my decision to stop buying as many physical books. It also highlights the value that I find in using an eReader instead.
Beauty in the Mundane
A semi-filler post which contains lists of things that people I have asked have claimed to find beauty in.
Natural Alternatives I Use
A list of natural alternative swaps I've made in regards to healthcare, food, clothes and kitchenware.
Natural Brands I Recommend
A list of brands I like that sell natural products.
Amateur Musings on Carnivorous Diets and Rare Meat Consumption
A discussion of the value of rare organ meat in the diet using the example of Inuit people and Arctic explorers who ward off scurvy with raw or rare seal liver.
Reflections on Running a Book Club
Some thoughts based on my experience running a book club in my final year of high school.
Some Minimally Processed Food Ideas
Foods I include in my diet and some minimally-processed and budget-friendly meals I like to cook.
Some Kind of Journal Entry
Some general life updates relating to university, socialising, work.
My New Minimal Smartphone Setup
What I did to make my smartphone experience simpler and less overstimulating..
Christianity Related Entries
Glorifying God
A post listing different ways that I attempt to glorify my God within my daily life, and a suggestion for readers to seek to do the same.
My Experiences Headcovering as a Western Christian
A post exploring the positives and negatives of my experiences whilst Christian veiling.
How I Am Using My Art for God
A post explaining my recent art project fundraising for my childhood church.
The Beauty and Necessity of Fasting
Details my views on the significance of fasting within Christianity, and the various forms through which I practice it.