I don't update this very often, so some links may be dead.
Neocities Sites
capstasher: One of the first real friends I made on Neocities. A site with a lovely, unique style and beautiful graphics, with pleasant articles and a refreshing focus on literature and archival. I love seeing how much effort cap puts into creating a collection of beautiful things, and not letting them fade into antiquity or out of memory.
oddduck: A dear and close old friend, and someone who has helped me out a lot with this site, such as when they showed me sergey (a small static site generator). Always thoughtful and genuine, with lots of writing to read through.
P.S., 'fork and knife' is a reference to a time whenever we were in a pub together in Dublin and I berated them for saying 'knife and fork' the wrong way around. >:D
offline magazine: A wonderful example of digital minimalism. This site is a pleasure to navigate and has lots of good information to read through on natural alternatives, asceticism, philosophy, and slow living.
turd: One of the first websites I ever came across on Neocities, and still one of my favourites to visit from time to time. Reading through the log entries here always makes me feel quite wistful, which I enjoy. It's a very charming little site.
Bonus: cute cat photos.
saint-images: My favourite part of this website is the photography, a lot of which I find makes me feel nostalgic for things I've never even had before. I love whenever people can achieve that kind of dreamy quality in their photographs.
Visiting this site was part of the reasoning behind my decision to try out photography myself.
cabbage sorter: I enjoy the layout of this site a lot, and reading their various reviews and articles. They've reviewed quite a few of my favourite shows and books, even some of the more niche ones I've never heard anyone else talk about, which always makes me excited to see.
occasionally, content: I've followed this site since it was first created on Neocities, and I've loved seeing how the webmaster's art has progressed and what they've created over the years. I love their lineart and their style. Definitely worth checking out.
didn't ask: The way they deliver their writing often makes me laugh. They're funny, and I agree with a lot of their posts and general sentiments. It's refreshing.
A fellow Christian and C.S. Lewis fan, which is always a major plus.
i will never be happy: Fellow theology and FOSS fan. I like looking through their art and seeing the religious symbolism in it, especially. I also really enjoy the simplicity of their site.
errormine: A wonderful site layout, and some really lovely photography. I like their photographs of animals, especially.
sakuramori: A beautiful little site with a very sweet theme and layout, with a growing collection of thoughtful articles and a lovely page with a collection of poems, quotes, and other pleasant prose.
aubr: A site with some of the most soulful photography I've ever seen. Wistful, with nostalgic colour palettes and a sense of warmth pervading every photograph.
velvet blue: Persona theme. What else need I say?
bonnibel's graphic collection: A cute collection of various graphics. The little pixel graphics around my site came from here, where the original sources are provided.
colexdev: Another very good example of digital minimalism, with a focus on nutrition, literature, philosophy, and lots of other great things. I like their links page a lot, and I love that they have sections of their site like the 'quotes' and 'updates' pages.
mental labour: Philosophy, philosophy, philosophy. Brilliant. A simple and easy-to-navigate layout, also.
My Button
Feel free to add my button to your site, if you would like to. It took me years to finally get around to making one...