Reading List
Welcome to my reading list. Here I have listed all of the books that I can recall having read. This list will inevitably not be exhaustive, as some books will be forgotten about, or deemed negligible for one reason or another (I'm looking at you, Biff, Chip and Kipper).
Books aren't always easily categorised into sections of non-fiction and fiction, but I've tried to do so here anyway, for the sake of easier navigation.
If anyone cares enough about Bible reading to wonder, I tend to use either the Word on Fire NRSV-CE edition or the KJV translation.
I track my manga reading on my AniList occasionally, if you're more interested in that kind of media.
- Aciman, André - Call Me By Your Name
- Akutagawa, and Others - Three Japanese Short Stories
- Arikawa, Hiro - The Travelling Cat Chronicles
- Au, Jessica - Cold Enough for Snow
- Austen, Jane - Pride and Prejudice
- Bataille, Georges - The Story of the Eye
- Burnett, Frances Hodgson - A Little Princess
- Burnett, Frances Hodgson - The Secret Garden
- Camus, Albert - The Plague
- Camus, Albert - The Stranger
- Carrère, Emmanuel - Class Trip
- Carroll, Lewis - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
- Carroll, Lewis - Through the Looking-Glass
- Chbosky. Stephem - The Perks of Being a Wallflower
- Conlon-McKenna, Marita - Fields of Home
- Conlon-McKenna, Marita - Under the Hawthorn Tree
- Conlon-McKenna, Marita - Wildflower Girl
- Coote, Cathy - Innocents
- Dazai, Osamu - Schoolgirl
- Dazai, Osamu - No Longer Human
- Dickey, Susannah - Tennis Lessons
- Dostoevsky, Fyodor - White Nights
- Faulkner, William - A Rose for Emily
- Faulkner, William - The Sound and the Fury
- Fowles, John - The Collector
- Gaiman, Neil - Coraline
- Gilman, Charlotte Perkins - The Yellow Wallpaper
- Golding, William - Lord of the Flies
- Guin, Ursula K. Le - The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas
- Haddon, Mark - The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time
- Homer - Odyssey
- Homer - Iliad
- Homes, A.M. - The End of Alice
- Jackson, Shirley - The Lottery
- Jaeggy, Fleur - Sweet Days of Discipline
- Joyce, James - A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
- Joyce, James - Dubliners
- Kafka, Franz - The Metamorphosis
- Kafka, Franz - In the Penal Colony
- Kafka, Franz - The Burrow
- Kafka, Franz - The Judgement
- Kafka, Franz - Meditation
- Kawakami, Mieko - Heaven
- Kundera, Milan - The Unbearable Lightness of Being
- Lee, Harper - To Kill a Mockingbird
- Lewis, Matthew - The Monk
- Lewis, C.S. - Prince Caspian
- Lewis, C.S. - The Screwtape Letters
- Lewis, C.S. - The Horse and His Boy
- Lewis, C.S. - The Last Battle
- Lewis, C.S. - The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
- Lewis, C.S. - The Magician's Nephew
- Lewis, C.S. - The Silver Chair
- Lewis, C.S. - The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
- Martel, Yann - Life of Pi
- Maurier, Daphne du - The Breakthrough
- McEwan, Ian - Atonement
- Miaki, Sugaru - Pain, Pain, Go Away
- Miaki, Sugaru - Parasite in Love
- Miaki, Sugaru - Three Days of Happiness
- Miller, Arthur - The Crucible
- Murakami, Haruki - Sputnik Sweetheart
- Murata, Sayaka - Convenience Store Woman
- Nabokov, Vladimir - Lolita
- Nabokov, Vladimir - Lance
- Nabokov, Vladimir - Signs and Symbols
- Nabokov, Vladimir - The Aurelian
- Nabokov, Vladimir - The Enchanter
- Nin, Anais - Linda
- Nin, Anais - Mandra
- Nin, Anais - Marianne
- Nin, Anais - The Veiled Woman
- O'Casey, Sean - Juno and the Paycock
- Orwell, George - Animal Farm
- Orwell, George - Nineteen Eighty-Four
- Otsuichi - Goth
- Otsuichi - Summer, Fireworks, and My Corpse
- Parker, Dorothy - The Portable Dorothy Parker
- Plath, Sylvia - The Bell Jar
- Saint-Exupery, Antoine de - The Little Prince
- Salinger, J.D. - The Catcher in the Rye
- Sewell, Anna - Black Beauty
- Shakespeare, William - King Lear
- Shakespeare, William - Macbeth
- Shakespeare, William - The Merchant of Venice
- Shelley, Mary - Frankenstein
- Spyri, Johanna - Heidi
- Steinbeck, John - Of Mice and Men
- Stevenson, Robert Louis - Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
- Sumino, Yoru - I Want to Eat Your Pancreas
- Soseki, Natsume - I Am a Cat
- Soseki, Natsume - Kokoro
- Takimoto, Tatsuhiko - Welcome to the N.H.K.
- Towles, Amor - A Gentleman in Moscow
- Tsushima, Yuko - Territory of Light
- Vizzini, Ned - It's Kind of a Funny Story
- Vonnegut, Kurt - Cat's Cradle
- Walker, Alice - The Color Purple
- Aristotle - Politics
- Aristotle - Poetics
- Augustine, St. - Confessions
- Aurelius, Marcus - Meditations
- Baker, J.A. - The Peregrine
- Berry, Wendell - Feminism, the Body, and The Machine
- Berry, Wendell - Why I Am not Going To Buy A Computer
- France, R.T. - The Evidence for Jesus
- Frank, Anne - The Diary Of a Young Girl
- Gatto, John Taylor - Dumbing Us Down
- Hamilton, Edith - Mythology
- Jenkyns, Richard - Classical Epic: Homer and Virgil
- Kaczynski, Theodore - Industrial Society and Its Future
- Kafka, Franz - Letter to His Father
- Koenig, John - The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows
- Krakauer, Jon - Into the Wild
- Lewis, C.S. - A Grief Observed
- Lewis, C.S. - Mere Christianity
- Lewis, C.S. - Readings for Meditation and Reflection
- Lewis, C.S. - Surprised by Joy
- Lewis, C.S. - The Abolition of Man
- Lewis, C.S. - The Four Loves
- Lewis, C.S. - The Problem of Pain
- Machiavelli, Niccolò - The Prince
- More, St. Thomas - Utopia
- Murakami, Haruki - What I Talk About When I Talk About Running
- Orwell, George - Antisemitism in Britain
- Orwell, George - Notes on Nationalism
- Orwell, George - The Sporting Spirit
- Orwell, George - Shooting an Elephant and Other Essays
- Plato - The Republic
- Plato - The Apology of Socrates
- Reju, Deepak - Pornography: Fighting for Purity
- Seneca - On the Shortness of Life
- Stone, Douglas - Difficult Conversations
- Sullivan, K.E. - Greek Myths and Legends
- Taubes, Gary - The Case for Keto
- Thoreau, Henry David - Walden
- Walker, Andrew - God and the Transgender Debate
- Wilson, A.N. - C.S. Lewis: A Biography
Old Testament Biblical
- Genesis
- Exodus
New Testament Biblical
- Luke
- Matthew
- Proverbs
- James
- 1 Peter
- 2 Peter
- 1 John
- 2 John
- 3 John
- Jude