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Recently, I have decided to try out digital photography. As my father is a retired professional photographer, we have always had a lot of old cameras lying around my home, and I figured I'd decide to try giving them some use again. I will mainly be using a Fujifilm FinePix HS30EXR for now.

I also own a Nikon D3 DSLR, which I prefer to the bridge camera, but don't take out with me as much yet.

They're all pretty old cameras, but they're very reliable and so far are proving pleasant to use. It's a privilege to be able to learn with them.

I once thought that photography was a lot simpler than it actually is, probably because I'd gotten used to the automated and hands-off manner of taking photographs that is present on so many smartphones. Now that I know there is so much more to learn than I'd anticipated, I find I have become much more mindful of what and how I photograph.